Bahrain 1 Dinar 1993 G (Third Issues)
Front:A Dilmun seal - The history of Delmon civilization goes back to about 3200 BC.
It lasted for more than 2,700 years between Bahrain and Failakah Islands towards the north of the Gulf.
Back:The headquarters of the Central Bank of Bahrain (CBB). The Bahrain Monetary Agency was established in 1973 and was succeeded by the CBB in September 2006. The CBB has all the powers and responsibilities normally associated with a central bank.
Hi, my name is Edwin, presently residing here in BAhrain and just like you,is a banknote collector.
I was wondering if you are willing to swap my new 1 dinar (the one that you have is already replaced with a new one) for any spare banknote that you have from your collection.
I hope for your kind consideration.
Kind regards.
Hi, my name is Edwin, presently residing here in BAhrain and just like you,is a banknote collector.
I was wondering if you are willing to swap my new 1 dinar (the one that you have is already replaced with a new one) for any spare banknote that you have from your collection.
I hope for your kind consideration.
Kind regards.
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