Indonesia 10000 Rupiah 1997 UNC
Front: Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX
Back: Borobudur Temple
Hamengkubuwono IX or HB IX (12 April 1912 - 2 October 1988) was the first Governor of the Yogyakarta Special Region, the ninth Sultan of Sultanate of Yogyakarta and the second vice president of Indonesia during the Suharto's reign.

Born as Raden Mas Dorodjatun in Sompilan, Ngasem, Yogyakarta, when he was three years old he was named Crown Prince to the Yogyakarta Sultanate. Hamengkubuwono IX had a Western education. When he was four, he was sent away to live with a Dutch family. After completing his primary and secondary education in 1931, Hamengkubuwono IX left Indonesia to attend the Leiden University in the Netherlands. There Hamengkubuwono IX took Indonesian studies and economics. He returned to Indonesia in 1939. Read more
Encycloworld Heritage Postcard - Borobudur temple, Indonesia
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